I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.  I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.    Psalm 9:1-2 (NLT2)

I was speaking with a person who had brought someone to church with them recently.  Her friend had never been to a church service so I asked if he had shared anything about the experience.   She said that the singing had been unexpected and that he was a little uncomfortable with it.   I completly understand why.  After all, without knowing Christ, he would have no reason to sing praises to Him.   Not only that,  when I think of the people who have helped me in the past and those who have brought me great joy, I can't ever remember singing my praises for them.   I doubt he ever has either.

When we sing our praise songs to Jesus on Sunday mornings, is it because we are supposed to or is it because our hearts are filled with the joy of who He is and all He does?   To be honest, there are times when I start singing and I'm doing it because it is time to do it.  But even so, as I begin to focus on the words, I make a connection between the words and my own experience.   Before I know it I'm on a journey that doesn't require me to take a step.  Without even trying, I find myself praising God from a point of reference and the singing becomes an expression of the worship and praise that is filling my heart.    How awesome it is for me to know someone so great and so wonderful, that I have no problem whatsoever singing His praises!

I hope someday this young man will come to know the grace of God that transforms our lives.  I know that when that happens, He can take this same journey and like me, he will look forward to singing with God's people, expressing together our joy in Christ!