Jesus told the people: I tell you for certain that the Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing, and he does exactly what he sees the Father do.   John 5:19 (CEV)

 "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."  "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"    Matthew 14:28-30 (NIV)

"I want to do great things for God!"  This sounds very noble and Christlike.  However, is it really?  I don't think this concept matches what Jesus is saying in John 5:19.   From what I see, Jesus is saying that He never does things "for" God.   He says He always does things "with" God.   Also, He says the Father is already doing the things He does.   That means the Father is leading the way.   So the Son always adjusts to what the Father is doing, not the other way around.  If this was important for Jesus to be effective, how much more for us? 

I've found that following Jesus became a whole lot easier when I decided to be the one who joins instead of the one who leads.   Too often we see a noble task and undertake it.  Or we see a Christian brother or sister struggling and try to fix them.  We are more than willing to give God the credit for the idea and the effort we put out.   But does God want that? 

I see people in need and/or problems to be solved every day. I want to do or say something to help but I don't know that God is wanting me to.   Whether it's visiting someone in the hospital, sharing the gospel, correcting a brother, feeding someone or even housing a stranger and his family, I make sure Jesus is involved.  I do this by saying,  "Lord, if it is You, call me to You and I will come."    Like Peter, when I get a response, I move.   Jesus constantly reminds me of two things from Peter's walk on the water.   First, if Peter would have not waited for Jesus' response and stepped out of the boat, he would have sank.   And second, even if I'm sure Jesus has called me into a situation, I will fail if I take my eyes off of Him.  

Jesus said that our Father is always at His work and that He is always joining Him.  Jesus is allowing us and desiring us to join Him as He joins the Father in someone's life today.  Let's do something "with" Jesus and not "for" Him today.