There was a time where Jesus sent out 72 of His closest followers to love and care for the world like He did.  Here at Grace, we believe we are called to live that same way today!  

This summer, we are striving to be purposeful in seeking to join Christ in our communities, to set goals with God, to work hard at the tasks God has given us, to stay connected with one another for encouragement and to persevere when the calling gets tough. 

Do you love and care for those in need?  Do you desire to use your gifts, time, talents and money for God's purpose and glory?  Do you long to live out the Great Commission and one day hear the words from our Father, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"?  Would you like to join the 72?

Click the link below to see how God is using others, to share what God is calling you to and to pray for and encourage one another!

The Calling of the Sent

By Amanda | Thursday, May, 24, 2018 | 1:19 PM